
 It felt like she was never here to stay, temporary in the way a sunset slips beneath the skyline. She always had one foot out the door, always glancing over my shoulder, watching, waiting for her cue to leave. She moved like she had an itch, shifting back and forth like there was a pebble in her shoes. 

It took me a while to realize she was the pebble. She was the one out of place, restless and eager and itching for something she thought she almost had once. She couldn’t name it, but she knew it was out there somewhere. And maybe that’s why it hurt when she looked at me. Maybe that’s why it hurt her to look at anyone she loved, why it was hard for her to look in mirrors. 

Whatever it was she was searching for, none of us could give it to her. There wasn’t a damn thing any of us could do to fulfill her, nothing we could say to make her stay. She was just passing through- a shooting star I poured my wishes into knowing that they wouldn’t come true. 

Breanna in a black lace dress in ocean waves

Photography by Abigail Saturday


I’ve been dealing with depression for so long now that it feels like getting coffee with an old friend. Every now and then we get together and talk. I see why she feels the way she does and where she’s coming from. And then I send her on her way, telling her that she can visit but she cannot come to stay.

Breanna in an elegant dress with a blurred background



"What's a Wonderland? And how do I find it?" She gazed up at me with big, bright eyes so full of hope I almost felt compelled to spare her the truth. But such a disservice would have made me no better than my parents or their parents before them.

So I set aside my homemade hat and offered her my most earnest eyes. "Wonderland has no address, my child, but don't for a moment believe it is not real. It is as elusive as a cotton tail and as mad as a Cheshire cat's smile. It's a fantasy in your head and as solid as the ground beneath your feet. It's magic and adventure just waiting for those brave enough to seize it. The real question is: '"What's an Alice? And how do I become one?"'

Breanna in red dress in woods. Floating picture frame photography

Photography by Abigail Saturday