
"What's a Wonderland? And how do I find it?" She gazed up at me with big, bright eyes so full of hope I almost felt compelled to spare her the truth. But such a disservice would have made me no better than my parents or their parents before them.

So I set aside my homemade hat and offered her my most earnest eyes. "Wonderland has no address, my child, but don't for a moment believe it is not real. It is as elusive as a cotton tail and as mad as a Cheshire cat's smile. It's a fantasy in your head and as solid as the ground beneath your feet. It's magic and adventure just waiting for those brave enough to seize it. The real question is: '"What's an Alice? And how do I become one?"'

Breanna in red dress in woods. Floating picture frame photography

Photography by Abigail Saturday